Thursday, April 13, 2006


Robin came home about an hour ago. She actually got a special dispensation to take Jack with her. So I only had Luke and Drew. Whew, man two is plenty! Non stop work!

On Tuesday we joined a group of other 'Mr. Moms' at the Zoo. I am sure it was confusing to the moms there to see so many dads with kids. What don't your husbands let you take a retreat to Keystone and keep the kids?

Drew and I are pictured to the far left. Luke is taking his usual pose of not facing the camera. Then there's: Luke, Joe and Katie Linstedt (Joe is the Campus Director at CSU); Ryan and Holden Williams (Ryan is our Regional Director for HR and Staff Development and we share an office); Clement and Eric Heistand (Eric is the Director for Denver Metro); Steve, Jonathan, Benjamin and Isabela - hidden from the camera - Van Diest (Steve has been the CD at CU-Boulder and next fall will co-direct our Mexico CityFocus team); David, Jackson and Zachary Lewis (David is our regional financial director).

Drew, Luke and I had a good time this week but we were all counting the days to the 13th!

1 comment:

Jane said...

Congratulations.....I knew you could do it.