Thursday, April 24, 2008

Turn Off My TV? Yeah, Right.

Whoever scheduled turn-off your TV week the same week that Lost is returning was crazy.

Watching Lost is like reading a book right?


Matt Mikalatos said...


Unknown said...

I think so...although we will have to watch tonight's epi on DVR.

Andy McCullough said...

Lot of references this week not to books but games...

Hurley, Locke and Sawyer playing risk. Hurley says (paraphrazed) "Dude, you gave away Australia. Everyone knows Australia is the key to winning." Flight 815 left from Sydney! Our could be reference to the island... leave and your lose.

Ben says his daughter was a pawn. Then when Ceamy (sp?) kills her he says 'they changed the rules'. He also says this to Widmore at the end.

Is this just some game of world domination like risk?

Andy McCullough said...
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