Thanks so much for your prayers, encouraging emails and phone calls! They have been of great blessing to me. For the past two days I have been feeling GREAT! I have had more energy than I know what to do with and it has been a blast. I went for a walk yesterday and ended up going a mile farther than usual. Plus, I came home with all sorts of energy…even running up and down the stairs! My parents think I am crazy (they might be right) and the arthritic dog is a little depressed because I can outwalk her now (she’ll get over it).
The physical change I have experienced in the past couple of days feels nothing short of miraculous. My health on Sunday was 100 times better than it was on Saturday, and I’m praising the Lord for whatever it is that He is doing to heal my body. On Wednesday afternoon I will go back to the doctor and from there we’ll begin deciding what the next step will be for returning to Merida. If he makes me stay in the states longer, I think I might just have to arm wrestle him…if I win, then I’m sure he’ll let me have my way.
Please continue to pray for healing and wisdom on the part of everyone involved in the decision for when to return.
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