Their new school year starts up soon. They have identified three campuses to focus on and will split into three separate teams. The first two teams will be made up of four STINTers and focus on launching movements at two different campuses. The third team will consist entirely of Argentines and include their ICS staffer for direction/support. This will allow Argentines to take complete ownership of a movement on one of the many campuses. The students are excited about this challenge and have already begun meeting on campus to pray for God to move in the hearts of other students.
They are also in the process of renovating their new meeting place. Kyle has pictures as well as a video. The blog explains the idea behind the meeting place and the vision they have for it.
Speaking of renovating, building and vision…. a few years back I noticed as new houses were being built it was done in teams. You would have one group that would lay the foundation, then another would come and frame the house, another would do the roof and so one.
It reminds me of what we are called to do in movement launching. We are teams of foundation-layers. The apostle Paul was a foundation-layer himself. (Romans 15:19-21 ; I Cor 3:9-11.) He laid the foundation of Christ in a city and then would often move on and let others be the framers, roofers etc.
The obscure book of Haggai is a manual for laying the foundation of the temple. It was written after a remnant had returned to Jerusalem. They had rebuilt the wall and paneled homes for themselves. God tells them it was time they start rebuilding a house for Him.
So they begin the work and a month later in chapter two, in a human glory sense it was nothing. They have not even finished the foundation. It’s just a hole in the ground. And it’s not gonna be as near as big as Solomon’s temple was. Yet God asks them what it looked like to those who saw it in its former glory. He then gives three commands to continue working none the less: be strong, work and do not fear (because my Spirit remains with you).
I shared this analogy of the way houses are built and movements launched a few years ago with some students who happened to be construction majors. They said that one of the problems with houses built this way was that sometimes teams at the beginning stage loose sight of the vision. I need to remember that as I go look for a house this afternoon.
In that same needing vison vein, I’d like to share an email Cindy Kahre sent me the other week… “In 1980, Dave and I were both students on a summer project in Poland. This was only the 2nd year that summer projects existed in Poland and the very early days in all of Eastern Europe. We traveled as tourists and couldn't even acknowledge other teams if we crossed paths with them. We hid up in the mountains and trained the underground church in basic biblical principles. My small group included 2 nuns. Imagine me, this young, unseasoned little college student training nuns! I was over my head but God showed up and enabled me to do it anyway.
Fast-forward 22 years later. Dave and I were married and on staff in Hungary. That year EE/Russia had their AOA staff training at Lake Balaton, Hungary. There I stood in a huge room with over a thousand CCC staff. This was the very first year that the national staff outnumbered the Americans. Did I hear that right? The national staff OUTNUMBERED the Americans for the very first time. There we all were - worshipping along side each other - each in our own languages - and the sound was incredible - like nothing I can even attempt to explain. A combination of Hungarian, Romanian, Bulgarian, Slovakian, Slovenian, Ukrainian, Russian, Albanian, Czech, Moldovan, Croatian, Serbian, Macedonian, and the list goes on.
My overwhelming thought was - Oh my goodness, a few years ago none of this existed. We were hiding up in the mountains secretly helping to build up the underground church and look at what God has done!!!!!!!! This must be the closest thing I will ever see of what heaven will be like - every tribe and tongue worshipping the living God along side each other. What a privilege to be here and see what God is doing and a picture of what will come!!!!!”
You may not get to fast-forward 22 years to see what things will be like where you are laying the groundwork. And it may truly seem just a big hole in the ground right now. But you can lead your teams to follow God's same commands (be strong, work and don't fear) all the while laying claim to the visionary blueprint that God gave to those foundation layers way back when…
"This is what the LORD Almighty says: 'In a little while I will once more shake the heavens and the earth, the sea and the dry land. I will shake all nations, and the desired of all nations will come, and I will fill this house with glory,' says the LORD Almighty. 'The silver is mine and the gold is mine,' declares the LORD Almighty. 'The glory of this present house will be greater than the glory of the former house,' says the LORD Almighty. 'And in this place I will grant peace,' declares the LORD Almighty."
May God shake the heavens and allow His glory to fall! May the Desire of All Nations come and fill the house you and your team are building!
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