Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Reaching the Farthest Horizons - K and E

K and E (with little baby S) are in East Asia with a team of all new STINTers. (The pic is from Busan so don't try to guess where they are.) Their team of seven is working among a cluster of campuses on the north side a large city. There is another team working on the south side that is made up on ICS and 2nd year STINTers. Together those teams are reaching students on 13 campus in that one city.

K writes about his team of seven and their ministry, "We feel like the Lord continues to knit us closer together, there is nothing like being on the other side of the world and trying to figure out God's call for our lives to draw us close together to each other and to Him. We have seen the Lord blow us away with the fruit he has brought. Over the past month we have been able to share the gospel with 127 people, that is 127 people who had never heard of the saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ who have now heard. The kingdom of God expands daily and we have been able to see it right before our eyes, so far 21 people have prayed to receive Christ! We have been able to follow-up with each one of those, helping train them in what it means to walk with Christ for a lifetime and share their faith with others. The team on the south side of the city has seen tremendous fruit as well."

K and E's vision for what the Lord is calling them to has expanded. K writes, "He has showed us that even though we are at the farthest horizons there are still other places in the world that have not heard the gospel. He is calling us to win students to Christ, build them into apostles, and send these apostles out from here to the farthest horizons. Asian believers taking the gospel out to other countries, that live in spiritual darkness. Wow, only God could have a vision this crazy and we are humbled to be a part of it."

The other week I was have a late night conversation with two buddies of mine - Shane and Ethan - about movements. Shane and I rant about launching movements everywhere, Ethan goes out and does it. The three of us were discussing how many changed lives does it takes for a movement to become a movement. Is it 5? is it 3? Is it much more? Now this is just my theory so take it for what its worth, but I said, "ONE! One changed live. Because one changed life is a seed, an acorn. It may not become an oak of righteousness ....but it might."

How did Jesus reach the town Samaria? Through ONE woman by a well. How did he reach Philippi? Through ONE woman by a river and ONE man working in a jail. ONE. Back up and think of the apostle Paul. Through that one conversion / transformation / man getting knocked off his horse by a blinding light, the gospel exploded. Just ONE. All it takes it for God to transform one life and the course of history can be changed.
We know from the parable of the four soils that not every one who receives the word will be bear fruit. (And you know it too well from personal ministry experience too.) But it only takes one... because that one - the good soil - bears 100 times what was sown.

So we sow... because He calls us to... because as K writes its an amazing thing when 127 (or 1 person) who have never heard of His fame or glory hear the good news. We sow because we believe that of that gosapel seed will fall on the good soil and produce 30, 60 or 100 times what was sown. We sow because we believe that students you are now reaching with the gospel with multiply that and take it to their campuses, their cites, their nation and... the farthest horizons.
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Matt said...

Hey Andy. Can you give me access to the leader wiki site? Thanks.

Matt Williams

Andy McCullough said...

Matthew, sorry I was slow in doing this. I sent you an invite earlier today. Actually I may be moving that whole wiki to the new uscm wiki. When I do I will let everyone know.