Thursday, October 30, 2008

A Catholic and an Evangelical went to a Castle...

What in the world was a Catholic doing speaking to Campus Crusade group at the Navigators headquarters? Quoting scripture?  Sharing transferable concepts? Conducting Vespers? ....  Maybe a little of all three.  

This week was our annual Rocky Mountain Leadership Conference where we gather all of the local leaders from our region.  Every other year our senior staff (those who have finished training but are not yet local leaders) overlap with us.  We usually meet in Estes Park but the Stanley was not available (I guess
 too close to Halloween) so we met at beautiful Glen Eyrie - the headquarters of Navigators in Colorado Springs. 

So we gathered amidst the big horn sheep, 
clear blue skies and incredible rock formations, in a castle built for General Palmer.  One of our traditions is to bring in an outsider to provoke our thinking of life and ministry.  this year we were blessed to hear from Jack Jezreel.

Jack, a born-again Catholic and dear brother in the Lord, spoke on the biblical basis for living out what God has called us to in terms of caring for those in need.  I first heard Jack last Spring at Externally Church Conference .  It was a revisit of the talk for me but worth it to hear from this again.  So much from this time but for me I think the biggest think that stuck out is that God desires to enlarge my heart for both him and all those around me. 

Too often my heart is small and I just love those like me.  

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