Tuesday, March 03, 2009

It Must Be Spring

Well technically its still winter but it feels like spring here.  But the reason it must be spring is that its Spring Training and I think the Braves have a chance.  Yes, I know they stunk last year and its been 3 years since they have made the playoffs.  But I have had the same thoughts since childhood when we dwelt in the NL West and our only hope was everyone on the Big Red Machine going on the DL and the Dodgers, Giants, Padres all choking.  

I guess that's why we are called fans.

Hey, if they can keep their rotation healthy, the hitters have career years, the Mets choke as usual and the Phillies do what all reining World Champs do and struggle, then there is hope.

Alexander Pope once wrote that "Hope springs eternal."  But for me and Braves baseball Spring hopes are eternal...  summer brings reality.  

Go Braves!


Melanee said...

I, too, have that giddy "this is going to be the Braves' year" feeling. I get it every year in late February/early March. I'm just hoping that giddiness lasts 'til at least the All-Star Break. The pasts few years it's been a month into the season and I knew it was going to be a long one...either way, Go Braves!

Anonymous said...

Think Blue. Go Dodgers!